If you are already pregnant, congratulations.  If you are still thinking about it, I hope you'll find some helpful tidbits here. 
Pregnancy can be scary for some and exciting for others.  For some, it was an accident, and you might have mixed feelings about it, especially if you don't have a loving partner or not enough support.  One of the most important things is to bring your body and mind into a healthy state.  Nowadays, we seem to have many apps designed to get us out of a negative state.  I have tried Curable and BrainWays.  For every person, it's different, but try to work out your issues either with a good therapist or books before you get pregnant so you don't pass your stress on to your child.  The Curable app could take you deeper and help you with your traumas.  
Depending on how toxic your body is, you might feel very sick after a month or so.  It's a good time to clean your refrigerator and pantry of foods with additives, preservatives, and unhealthy ingredients.  Wherever you are, just do your best for your body and your baby.  Do much research about toxic chemicals, baby food, breastfeeding, toxic mattresses, and formaldehyde in furniture, clothing, paint, food coloring, and food additives.  There is a lot to learn and relearn.  The best thing is to remember not to panic but to take one step at a time.  
If you are not pregnant but thinking about it, I would encourage you to ask yourself some questions.  Questions like: Is my body ready to carry a baby?  Am I healthy enough to carry and nourish my baby for nine months in the womb and then nurse him/her for at least a year after it's born?  What is the reason that I want to have a baby?  Is it because I am lonely?  Is it for security reasons?  Or because babies are cute?  Or are you ready to give life to a human being who can be the change and the light in this world?  Most people don't consider asking themselves a question or two, but it's essential.  Babies are not just another thing; they are a unique and special life brought into the world that can help make it a beautiful place.  Raising children is very hard work, meaning you put your life aside, and your life will be now you and your child.  Maybe for awhile, you can forget bars, friends, outings, parties, social events, or traveling with your husband.  No, from this moment on, you and your child will be together until he is ready to get on his feet and live alone.  It doesn't mean you have to be with him by his side for 18 years, but it does mean/he will need you for 18 years until he decides what to do with his life, and all those years, he will need your love, your support, your money, your encouragement, your attention.  It is not easy, and those who say it's fun and easy may not have done it the right way.  Parenting is hard work and requires sacrifices of sleep and personal life.  If you are not ready to sacrifice, give up the life you live, and give up your job temporarily, then maybe it's good to wait until you are ready for this journey.  A child is a living, breathing being that needs to be nurtured and cared for until they learn to live independently.  A child should never be for your benefit or your future caretaker when you get old or for your emotional and financial support.  The good and beautiful thing is that you get to spend 18 years with your child doing things together, like traveling and visiting places like museums, music events, plays, and movies.  You get to concrete life together.  That is the most beautiful thing you can give yourself and your child.  

I absolutely support natural way of parenting, I found this website and I thought it could be very helpful on your journey.  https://raisedgood.com
Few things you can do for yourself and your baby:
  •  Be active

  •  Eat healthy and supplement your diet with good minerals and vitamins.

  •  Sleep good and take naps to recharge yourself

  •  Enjoy life the way life is

  •  BREATHE.....let go of things...of negative emotions, thoughts, people.

  •  Give yourself and your baby a gift of massage

  •  Be Free....Enjoy each moment

  •  Do not resist anything life brings....embrace it and it will change on it's own

  • Avoid Chemicals and Toxins as much as you can. Don’t do major remodeling that requires the use of carcinogenic chemicals like calking, paint and glues.

  •  Spend Some Time outside, If it's summer, walk barefoot in the sun.   

  • Drink plenty of good, clean, energized water

  • Try to avoid excess of gluten, sugar and processed foods         

  • Love yourself -keep a photo of yourself when you were little and ask yourself if you were a mother of that little you how would you love that little girl?